Václav Havel

Keywords of harvest:

The topic harvest dedicated to the death of the first Czechoslovak and Czech president Václav Havel, who died on December 18, 2011, took place in several rounds at the turn of 2011/2012. The harvest included almost 480 proposals from 25 nominees from 18 member institutions of the IIPC, several other institutions and individuals from the public.

List of URLs in CSV


euportal.cz [current]

Forum 2000

www.forum2000.cz [current]

Knihovna Václava Havla

www.vaclavhavel-library.org [current]

www.prazskakrizovatka.cz [current]

http://www.denoffentligesektor.dk/nyheder/digteren-og-moralisten-der-blev-praesident [current]

http://www.gazire.com/cms/news-action-show-id-8985.htm [current]

http://www.parool.nl/parool/nl/225/BUITENLAND/article/detail/3081600/2011/12/18/Vaclav-Havel-overleden.dhtml [current]

http://www.skivefolkeblad.dk/article/20111219/AVISENMENER/111219920/-1/RSS [current]

http://sg.entertainment.yahoo.com/news/havel-hero-anti-communist-revolution-dies-210508182.html [current]

http://reason.com/archives/2003/05/01/velvet-president/singlepage [current]

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