Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020/2021

Keywords of harvest:

Originally, the XXXII Summer Olympic and XVI Summer Paralympic Games were scheduled to take place in Tokyo in the summer of 2020, but were postponed by one year due to the world pandemic covid-19. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games took place on July 23, 2021, and the end of the Games was place on August 8. The Paralympic Games run on August 24 to September 5. It was the first time that the games were postponed to another date and the sports match took place without sports fans. The collection consists of websites of professional organizations, sports associations, athletes, including their profiles on social networks. There are also responses in the mass media, including reflections on the social and political context of the games.

List of URLs in CSV

https://m.facebook.com/sarkafanpage/ [current]

https://m.facebook.com/knop.pet/?hc_ref=ARRjrms9sVi9HkoUKQWYaUXyNGW86pUcCL8BFB_v9gzEB2L3E3MgxjhpguMhHlYBjek&fref=nf [current]

http://www.paralympic.cz/sportovci-rio/david-palat/ [current]

https://twitter.com/pfuksa8 [current]

https://wiki.idnes.cz/vojtech-mozik-0d8-/sportovci.aspx?klic=459618 [current]

https://www.facebook.com/GabrielaKoukalova/ [current]

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