Olympic and Paralympic Games 2018

Keywords of harvest:

On the occasion of the Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang in South Korea we prepare a topic collection of resources, including not only websites of professional organizations, athletes and sports associations, their profiles on social networks, but also mass media coverage, including the reflection of the social and political context of the games. The collection is part of an international collection of resources initiated by the international consortium IIPC.

List of URLs in CSV

https://m.facebook.com/sarkafanpage/ [current]

https://m.facebook.com/knop.pet/?hc_ref=ARRjrms9sVi9HkoUKQWYaUXyNGW86pUcCL8BFB_v9gzEB2L3E3MgxjhpguMhHlYBjek&fref=nf [current]

http://www.paralympic.cz/sportovci-rio/david-palat/ [current]

https://wiki.idnes.cz/vojtech-mozik-0d8-/sportovci.aspx?klic=459618 [current]

https://www.facebook.com/GabrielaKoukalova/ [current]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrik_Barto%C5%A1%C3%A1k [current]

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